1. Z6·尊龙凯时「中国」官方网站

      Product introduction
      Technical parameters
      Engineering principle
      Supporting models

        1. Z6·尊龙凯时「中国」官方网站

          TJB15 is a kind of high strength discontinuous recliner, mainly used in military cars, racing cars and commercial cars, especially in the seats that safety belt cannot be fixed at car body but has to be fixed at seat back. It has high energy absorption property and high ultimate strength.

            1. Z6·尊龙凯时「中国」官方网站

              overall size diameter93, thickness 15mm;

              increment: 2°;

              net weight of recliner core: 570g;

              static strength4500N.m(single).

                1. Z6·尊龙凯时「中国」官方网站

                  ratchet and paw